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How to Setup DKIM for Flywheel?

In order to ensure emails for your domains hosted on Flywheel do not get altered by threat actors before their delivery, enabling Flywheel DKIM authentication is crucial. Here’s how to do that: 

Steps to Configure Flywheel DKIM CNAME Records

Step 1: Log in to your Flywheel Portal and navigate to the Advanced tab to find the small Email Deliverability box in the bottom right corner 

a screenshot of a web page

Step 2: Hit the “Set Up Email” button

a screenshot of a website

Step 3: A window will appear prompting you to select the domain that you want to enable DKIM for with a dropdown menu (the list will contain only domains manually registered by you on Flywheel). Choose your desired domain and click on “Set Domain and Begin Setup”.

a screenshot of a computer

Step 4: Follow the instructions on the CNAME record configuration page to add your CNAME records to the DNS. After updating your DNS head back to the same page on Flywheel and click on “Check Validation

a screenshot of a computer

Step 5: Now click on “Ok, I’m Done”. Once done Flywheel will verify your configuration on their end and report back to you on whether or not it was a success. They will also inform you about any errors pertaining to your record setup, to help you resolve those promptly. 

a screenshot of a computer

Step 6: The process is complete, you’ll should be able to see a success indicator in the Advanced taba screenshot of a web page

Note: The Email Deliverability card in the Advanced tab is a live indicator of the status of your DKIM authentication in Flywheel. If the banner is orange, it implies that your setup is incomplete, while a red banner implied that your DKIM records are invalid or incorrect. 

a screenshot of a web page

Image and information resource: Flywheel email sending guide

Finally, to check DKIM you can use our free DKIM checker tool and verify the correctness of your flywheel authentication setup. Don’t forget to try our DMARC analyzer for advanced protection! 

PowerDMARC is the author of this solution article.

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