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Hosted DKIM Feature Guide

This documentation describes the Hosted DKIM feature guide for the account/user. The document includes the steps for activation and using the feature.

To support the Hosted DKIM feature the following conditions should be considered:

  1. Your plan should support the Hosted DKIM feature

  2. Your account should be active 

  3. A domain should be added to your account 

Steps to start with Hosted DKIM:

  1. Go to Hosted Services > Hosted DKIM

  2. Select your domain 

Hosted DKIM - Domain selectors section

First you’ll need to add the DKIM selectors onto the portal.

Note: The selector and public key must be identical to the ones currently used in the DNS. For the selector, the “._domainkey” is automatically appended to the name, so no need to worry about that!

Steps for adding a new selector with TXT record type: 

  1. Click the Add New button  


  1. On the opened modal type the selector name (ex. Google)

  2. Add comments if needed (optional)

  3. Select one of the options  TXT(the full DKIM record including tags), CNAME (CNAME value provided by 3rd party services), and Public Key(the value of DKIM record coming after p). You can generate the DKIM record value on the PowerDMARC’s generator tools > DKIM record generator section or add a record provided by 3rd party services.

  4. Add or select an already existing sending service (To add a new sender service, type your service name and click on Create)

  5. Click the Add button

Your key is added!

Adding a new selector with CNAME record type using Mailchimp’s CNAMEs:

(The only difference between a CNAME record type DKIM key is the Record value)

The record value of a CNAME type DKIM key will point to a 3rd party server (Microsoft, Google, Mailchimp), which will respond with a TXT value for the key. 

Mailchimp provides two CNAME records with two selectors. 

Note: You need to copy and add to the selector field in Hosted DKIM only the DKIM selector values k2 and k3 (see the screenshot above for selector values and screenshot below selector filed on the Hosted DKIM section)

The value of the “Points to” field should be pasted to the CNAME section while adding a selector on Hosted DKIM. (see the screenshot below)

Adding a new selector with PUBLIC KEY record type:

Note: You must add the value coming after the p tag (see the screenshot below)

  1. Type your selector name

  2. Add comments if any (optional)

  3. Insert the generated DKIM record value and click the Add Record 

  4. Select or create a sender service 

Note: Check the “Only allow domain signing” box only if the TXT record value contains the tag ‘t=s’. This is available only for TXT record keys

Now that we have the DKIM records we need, we can click on

Note: You will now need to add a DKIM NameServer (NS) record to your DNS zone to activate and manage the domain’s DKIM keys within the PowerDMARC system.

Steps for the activation of the Hosted DKIM feature:

  1. Copy the Hostname and value of the NS record and add it to your DNS.
    You may also use PowerDMARC One-Click Auto DNS Publishing with Entri to publish the DNS record.

Note: DNS record type is NS (see the screenshot below)

  1. Once the record is added to your DNS go back to the Hosted DKIM section and click the Validate Record button 

Note: To fully propagate the DNS records it can take up to 48 hours 

  1. Once the domain is validated, the pop-up with the Record is valid sign is shown.

You’re now all set with Hosted DKIM!

PowerDMARC is the author of this solution article.

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