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Domain Grouping Feature Guide


This documentation describes the Domain grouping feature guide for the account/user. The document includes the steps for activation and using the feature.

To support the Domain grouping feature the following conditions should be considered:

  1. Your subscription plan includes the Domain grouping feature

  2. Account is active 

The domain grouping feature provides the following benefits to users, including:

  1. Better organization: Grouping domains allows you to better organize your email ecosystem and manage their email authentication policies more efficiently.

  2. Improved security: By creating groups of domains, you can enforce stricter security policies on high-value domains, ensuring they are better protected against email-based threats such as phishing and spoofing.

  3. Simplified management: With domain grouping, you can easily manage and monitor your domains and their corresponding email authentication policies, reducing the likelihood of errors or misconfigurations.

  4. Access control: You can regulate access to specific groups of domains, providing access to different users.

  5. Simplified reporting: By grouping domains, you can more easily view and analyze email authentication data across multiple domains.

Steps to create your first domain group:

  1. Log in to your PowerDMARC account

  2. Click the Settings on the left-side menu

  3. Click the Manage Domain groups 

  4. On the Domain groups section click the Create button

  5. Enter the domain group name, description (optional)

  6. Select domains that will be included in the group 

  7. Click the Create button

To edit the domain group:

  1. Log in to your PowerDMARC account

  2. Click the Settings on the left-side menu

  3. Click the Manage Domain groups

  4. Click the edit icon 

You can add a new domain to your group or remove an already added by simply switching the toggle. 


  1. Once changes are made click the Update button

Also, you can completely delete the domain group. 

Now when the domain group is created it is added in the dropdown on the Top Navigation Bar menu. 

You can select your group and filter Aggregate data so that only the domains' data included in your group will be shown.

Access to domain group for users:

  1. Log in to your PowerDMARC account

  2. Click the Settings on the left-side menu

  3. Go to the Manage Users section 

  4. Click the edit icon

  5. Scroll down to find the Accessible domain groups table


  1. Select the checkmark to give access to the domain group 

  2. Scroll down and save changes 

Note: You can also regulate access to the domain groups feature resources.

You can select which functional part of the feature will be accessible to users.

Edit User>User Resources table>search for ‘ domain- ‘ and you will find the resources of the feature.


Once accesses are given to the user he will get access to domain grouping features. 

To remove access to the domain groups the super admin of the account navigates to the manage users section and simply uncheck domain groups from the accessible domain groups table. 

To restrict access to the domain grouping feature the super user navigates to the manage user page and disables checkmarks for the domain groups feature in the user resources table.

Adding domains to the group from the Manage domain section. 

  1. Go to the manage domain section 

  2. Click the plus icon 

  1. On the opened modal select your domain group and click the update button 

The domain is added to the group!

You can add your domain to the group while adding a new domain to your account. 

  1. Go to Add domains 

  2. Enter your domain name 

  3. Select domain group from the Add to existing domain group(s) dropdown 

PowerDMARC is the author of this solution article.

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